Book Launch "Journeys of Uncertainty and Hope" Friday 18th June 2010
15/06/2010 13:21
Dear Sir/Madam,
On behalf of Vasilios Vasilas, I would like to invite you to the launch of his first book, “Journeys of Uncertainty and Hope”, which is based on his recent photo exhibition, “Home of the Heart: Lesvos and Migration”.
The book will be presented by Associate Professor Vrasidas Karalis, of the Modern Greek Department - University of Sydney.
The book launch will occur:
Date: Friday 18th June 2010
Time: 7:00 pm
Place: Mytilenian House
225 Canterbury Rd. Canterbury, NSW 2193
All Welcome – Admittance Free
For any further information and other enquiries, please call 0428 162 893 or email
Yours sincerely
Stavros Kritikos